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Lectures & Conference Papers



Invited Lectures


9. ‘Participatory Ontology, Nature and Poetics’, Centre for Theory and Criticism, Western University, London, February 2022.


8. ‘Religion and the Aesthetics of Nature: Recovering the West’s Metaphysical Tradition’, Eco-Humanities Research Group, University College Cork, March 2022.


7. ‘Nature, Self and Ontology in a Time of Pandemic’, Theology and Religious Studies Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, October 2021.


6. ‘Christian Platonism: A History’, The Shelves: New Ancient Philosophy, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell'Educazione, Università di Torino, April 2021.


5. ‘Ecology and Theology in a Time of Pandemic’, Ecofeminism, New Materialism and Ecological Theology, University of St. Michael College, Toronto, March 2021.


4. ‘Mysticism and Ecology: Thinking Nature and the Nature of Thinking’, American Academy of Religion, Religion, Mysticism Unit, Platonism and Neoplatonism Unit, Pragmatism and Empiricism in American Religious Thought Unit joint session, Boston, November 2020.


3. ‘Recovering Platonic Romanticism’, Post-Secular Perspectives on Romantic and Victorian Poetry, Duke University, September 2019. [ABSTRACT]


2. ‘Post-Secular Nature in the New Nature Writing’, The Secret of Nature, DAAD-Cambridge Colloquium, University of Cambridge, June 2017. [ABSTRACT]


1. ‘Re-Enchanting Nature: Spirituality and the New Nature Writing’, Drescher Lecture, Barrett Honors College, Arizona State University, April 2017. [ABSTRACT]



Conference and Colloquia Papers


35. ‘Christian Platonism’s Ecological Potential’, Christian Platonism: Reflections on the occasion of the Publication of Christian Platonism: A History, American Academy of Religion,

Co-Sponsored by Religion and Philosophy in Late Antiquity Unit, Nag Hammadi and Gnosticism Unit, Platonism and Neoplatonism Unit, San Antonio, November, 2021.


34. ‘The Poetic Ecology of Novalis’, Living Ideas: Dynamic Philosophies of Life and Matter, 1650–1850, University of Tokyo, April 2021


33. ‘Novalis ökologische Poetik und die Environmental Humanities’, Aktuelle Perspektiven der Romantikforschung, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, April 2021.


32. ‘Author Roundtable on ‘Pandemic, Ecology and Theology: Perspectives on COVID-19’, International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Arizona State University, February 2021.


31. ‘Thinking Nature and the Nature of Thinking: The Need for a Systematics of Poetics and Affect’ American Academy of Religion, co-sponsored by Mysticism Unit, Platonism and Neoplatonism Unit, Pragmatism and Empiricism in American Religious Thought Unit, Boston, November 2020.


30. ‘Nature, Platonism and Neoplatonism’, Presiding, American Academy of Religion, Platonism and Neo-Platonism Group, Boston, November 2020. [ABSTRACT]


29. ‘The Self Un-Buffered: Identity and Agency in the Time of Pandemic’, Pandemic, Ecology and Theology: Perspectives on COVID-19 from the Philosophy of Religion’. University of Toronto, June 2020. [ABSTRACT]


28. ‘Agency, Self and Ontology in a Time of Pandemic’, Christian Theology in the Midst of COVID-19, University of Winchester, June 2020. [ABSTRACT]


27. ‘The Poetics of Nature’, The Metaphysics of Nature Colloquium, University of 

Toronto, May 2020. [ABSTRACT]


26. ‘Nature and the Metaphysics of Participation’, Société canadienne de philosophie de la religion- Canadian Society for Philosophy of Religion, McGill University, Montreal, May 2020. [ABSTRACT]


25. ‘Spiritual Poetics of Nature Poetry’, Spirituality and the Supernatural Colloquium, Lisbon, April, 2020. [ABSTRACT]


24. ‘Jacobi and the Romantics’, American Academy of Religion, Nineteenth Century Theology Group, San Diego, November 2019. [ABSTRACT]


23. ‘The Jacobian Synthesis of Spinoza and Fichte in Frühromantik’, Jacobi: A Bi-Centenary Colloquium, McGill University, Montreal, September, 2019. [ABSTRACT]


22. ‘To Converse with Nature: The Poetics of Overcoming Anthropocentricism in the New Nature Writing’, Landlines: Nature Writing's Future Pasts, University of Leeds, March 2019. [ABSTRACT]


21. ‘Rhythm and Attunement in the Mystical Poetics of Jacopone and Hadejwich’, Conference on Christianity and Literature, Harvard Divinity School, March 2019. [ABSTRACT]


20. ‘Romanticisation, Eros and Ascent: Plotinian Influences on Novalis’, American Academy of Religion, Platonism and Neo-Platonism Group, Boston, November 2017. [ABSTRACT]


19. ‘The Poetics of Novalis’ Post-Human Political Theology’, Theology and Politics in the German Imagination, 1789–1848, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge, July 2017. [ABSTRACT]


18. ‘Naming Postsecular Nature: Transcendence in Contemporary Non-Fiction English Nature Literature’, A Postsecular Age? New Narratives of Religion, Science, and Society, Ian Ramsay Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, July 2016. [ABSTRACT]


17. ‘The Scientific Spirituality of John Clare’s Natural History Prose Writings’, Sacred Literature/Secular Religion, Syracuse University, Syracuse, October 2015.


16. ‘Romanticism, Idealism and Aesthetics’ (Panel Chair), Sacred Literature/Secular Religion, Syracuse University, Syracuse, October 2015. [ABSTRACT]


15. ‘Recent Developments in the Study of Romanticism and the Idea of Romantic Religion’, American Academy of Religion, Nineteenth Century Theology Group, San Diego, November 2014. [ABSTRACT]


14. ‘Religion Re-Conceptualising Romanticism’ (Panel Chair), American Academy of Religion, Nineteenth Century Theology Group, San Diego, November 2014. [ABSTRACT]


13. ‘Poesie as anima mundi: The Creative Romantic Synthesis of Realism with Idealism’, American Academy of Religion, Platonism and Neo-Platonism Group, San Diego, November 2014. [ABSTRACT]


12. ‘The Cam flows into the Saale: On the English Sources of German Romanticism’, Society for the Study of Theology, Durham University, April 2014. [ABSTRACT]


11. ‘Karl Philip Moritz the Mythologist: Myth as the Idiom for the Absolute’, American Academy of Religion, Nineteenth Century Theology Group, Baltimore, November 2013. [ABSTRACT]


10. ‘Romantic Spinozism and Cambridge Platonism: Herder’s Cudworth inspired revision of Spinoza’, American Academy of Religion, Platonism and Neo-Platonism Group, Baltimore, November 2013. [ABSTRACT]


9. ‘Romanticism as an Idiom for Theological Realism in the Immanent Frame’, Society for the Study of Theology, Nottingham, April 2013. [ABSTRACT]


8. ‘After Transcendence: Romanticism as Religion for the Immanent Frame’, Clare Research Symposium, Clare College, University of Cambridge, March 2013. [ABSTRACT]


7. ‘Religion for an Immanent Frame: The Foundations of the Romanic Religious Aesthetic in Jacobi, Herder and Moritz’, International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture, Copenhagen, November 2012. [ABSTRACT]


6. ‘Blake and the Fallen System. The Idea of the Fall and European Romantic Aesthetics’, Institut für Englische Philologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, 2012. [ABSTRACT]


5. ‘Imagination, Identity and Difference in the Platonic expression of the Absolute’, American Academy of Religion, San Francisco, November 2011. [ABSTRACT]


4. ‘Beyond the Conditioned: Hölderlin's Religious Poetry’, Philosophie et Literature, Laboratoire en Langues, Littératures et Civilisations de l’Arc Atlantique, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, March 2010. [ABSTRACT]


3. ‘The Search for a Genre of the Self: Romanticism and System in Coleridge and Schlegel’, North American Society for the Study of Romanticism and Centro Interdisciplinare di Studi Romantici, Università di Bologna, March 2008. [ABSTRACT]


2. ‘Blake, Locke and the ‘Anacalyptic’ Object in Jerusalem’,International Conference on Romanticism, Baltimore, October 2007. [ABSTRACT]


1.‘Dante's Own Personal Jesus: Apophatic Conversion in the Divine Comedy’, Conversions Conference, Stanford University, January 2007. [ABSTRACT]

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