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A new course made possible through the financial support of the Office of the Vice-President, International, University of Toronto.


New Global Perspectives on Ecology and Religion (RLG411H1S)

Any attempt to address our environmental crisis must account for religion on a global scale. For over eighty percent of the world’s population religion is one of the key factors determining the cultural and civilizational context through which they conceptualise nature. Students will engage new scholarship from around the world in live discussions with authors.  Scholars from Australia, Norway, Indonesia, Ireland, South Africa, the UK, and elsewhere will join the class. Materials engaging the topic of religion and nature will come from a range of fields including anthropology, classics, philosophy, religion and theology. 



















Partner Scholars Joining the Seminar 

  • Ernst Conradie, University of Western Cape (South Africa) 

  • Celia Deane-Drummond, University of Oxford (UK) 

  • Alexander J.B. Hampton, University of Toronto (Canada)

  • Timothy Harvie, Saint Mary’s, Calgary (Canada) 

  • Frederic Laugrand, Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) 

  • Hui Ling Lim, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (Thailand)

  • Samsul Maarif, Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia) 

  • Aike Peter Rots, University of Oslo (Norway) 

  • Lisa Sideris, UC Santa Barbara (USA) 

  • Bron Taylor, University of Florida (USA)

New Global Perspectives on Ecology & Religion 

©2024 by A J B Hampton

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